
【英語】【On Coronavirus】 Consulting Service from 8 May 2023(新型コロナ 5月8日以降の相談窓口等について)登録日:

In case of symptoms (such as fever)

From 8 May 2023 onwards, please contact your doctor if you notice coronavirus infection symptoms.

If you don't have a doctor, please consult for instance the Coronavirus Consultation and Support Center.

After a positiv test result 

There will be no further contact from the health center. Health observation, pulse oximeter and food deliveries end as well.
 If symptoms worsen during treatment or if you have any concerns, please contact your doctor or the Coronavirus Consultation and Support Center (TEL 0120-567-492).

People in the same household (Family members)

Members of the household are not identified as a "person in close contact with coronavirus". Also, they are not required to refrain from leaving the house.
However, there is a possibility that the infected person may contract the disease, so please take care of yourself, especially during the first 5-days after infection with coronavirus.

Costs for medicine and treatment

Outpatient treatment and prescription drugs will require co-payment, but coronavirus antiviral drugs will continue to be free of charge (at present until the end of September).

Patients are required to pay their own hospitalization expenses, but there is a partial reduction in the cost of hospitalization (at present until the end of September).

For more information, please visit the website of the Ministry of Health, Labor and  Welfare (https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000164708_00001.html)(in Japanese) and the Website of Tottori Prefecture(https://www.pref.tottori.lg.jp/corona-virus/)(in Japanese)

Tottori City will continue to support citizens so that they can live in security and  good health. 
We ask all citizens to continue to take precautions against coronavirus.


企画推進部 文化交流課


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